WASHINGTON — In a broad review of scientific literature, the nation’s top doctor has concluded that cigarette smoking — long known to cause lung cancer and heart disease — also causes diabetes, colorectal and liver cancers, erectile dysfunction and ectopic pregnancy.
a report to the nation to be released on Friday, the acting surgeon
general, Dr. Boris D. Lushniak, significantly expanded the list of
illnesses that cigarette smoking has been scientifically proved to
The other health problems the report names are vision loss, tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, impaired immune function and cleft palates in children of women who smoke.
has been known to be associated with these illnesses, but the report
was the first time the federal government concluded that smoking causes
finding does not mean that smoking causes all cases of the health
problems and diseases listed in the report, but that some of the cases
would not have happened without smoking. The surgeon general has added
to the list of smoking-related diseases before. Bladder cancer was added in 1990 and cervical cancer in 2004.
The War on Cancer: From Nixon Until Now
When President Nixon signed the National
Cancer Act many expected quick results, comparing the effort to the one
that put man on the moon. After 42 years, what progress have we made?
report is not legally binding, but is broadly held as a standard for
scientific evidence among researchers and policy makers.
not involved in writing the report said the findings were a
comprehensive summary of the most current scientific evidence, and while
they might not be surprising to researchers, they were intended to
inform the public as well as doctors and other medical professionals
about the newest proven risks of smoking.
thought the science was very well done and up to date,” said Dr. Robert
Wallace, a professor of epidemiology and internal medicine at the
University of Iowa, who helped review the report.
report comes 50 years after the pivotal 1964 surgeon general’s report
in which the government concluded for the first time that smoking caused
lung cancer. That report was credited with starting to change public
attitudes toward smoking, which has declined sharply. In 1965, about 43
percent of adults were smokers; in 2012, about 18 percent were.
that decline has slowed in recent years, and the new report calls for
stronger action in combating smoking. Smoking is the largest cause of
premature death in the country, killing more than 400,000 people a year.
The report notes that far more Americans have died prematurely from
cigarette smoking than in all the wars ever fought by the United States.
The report concluded that the evidence was insufficient to say that smoking caused prostate cancer. The evidence was suggestive, but not definite, that smoking causes breast cancer.
document also celebrates the public health success of smoking’s decline
since Dr. Luther Terry, the surgeon general in 1964, released his
landmark finding. Smoking was deeply embedded in American culture at the
time. Half of adult men were smokers, and a third of women. Even
doctors smoked.
report was so controversial that it was released on a Saturday when
Congress was on recess to minimize the political repercussions, said Dr.
Richard D. Hurt, a professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic.
Dr. Judith Fradkin, a diabetes scientist at the National Institutes of Health, who was not involved in the report, said the evidence that smoking increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes had been gathering for about 20 years.
smoking causes most cases of lung cancer, it causes only a small
fraction of liver and colorectal cancers. A current smoker is 25 times
as likely to develop lung cancer as someone who has never smoked, but
only about 1.5 times as likely to develop liver cancer.
a fairly modest association, but because so many people smoke, it’s
still an important cause of these cancers,” said Neal Freedman, an
epidemiologist at the National Cancer Institute.
pointed out that the surgeon general last looked at the effect of
smoking on liver cancer in 2004, and found the evidence only suggestive.
Since then, 90 new studies have been published allowing the surgeon
general to conclude smoking is a cause.
report also finds that the risks of lung cancer are far higher today
than in past decades, even though smokers today consume fewer
cigarettes. In 1959, women who smoked were 2.7 times as likely as women
who never smoked to develop lung cancer, and by 2010, the additional
risk had jumped nearly tenfold. For men, the risk doubled over the same
period. The report said changes in cigarettes’ design, namely to the
filter, contributed to the increased deadliness.
is stunning that the risk of a premature death from smoking is greater
than it was 50 years ago,” said Matthew Myers, head of the Campaign for
Tobacco-Free Kids, an advocacy group.
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