As business continues to drive positive change in the world, creativity is an increasingly essential part of organizational success. Encouraging creativity is a vital function of good leadership in any organization.

Recent trends affirm the need and desire for creativity in the workplace.  More and more, creativity is becoming part of job descriptions. Many of our largest companies – including Google, 3M and DuPont – expect their workers to spend as much as 20% of their time thinking creatively about new business opportunities.

Survey data from employers showcases the desire for creativity from employees. IBM asked 1500 CEOs to list the most important leadership characteristics, and creativity was ranked higher than integrity, intelligence, and a global mindset.

Collision points

Inspiration bursts forth from “collision points” – moments when different ideas, perspectives and knowledge collide and create something new in the universe. When people can link unrelated concepts and ideas, they inspire and unleash fresh ideas into the world.

Examples of exceptional collision points abound in history – Guttenberg created the printing press because he married the realization that books need to be copied with his knowledge of wine presses. Steve Jobs brought calligraphy to computing by creating a machine that displayed type in multiple fonts.  

The challenge for all of us is how to foster creativity. How can we encourage the sharing of ideas, development of new solutions and create a culture in our organizations that rewards effort and risk-taking?

Unleash creativity

I propose four suggestions to help ensure our businesses, schools and organizations generate more brilliant ideas that move our society forward:

1. Search out new experiences and perspectives.

Expose yourself to ideas that question or oppose your point of view. As a businessperson, seek rotation opportunities. Move out of your comfort zone and try something new. Work in a different industry or field. Offer your expertise to a school or non-profit organization and learn their business as you help them. As a student, enroll in classes that interest you, but may be unrelated to your major. Many universities offer interdisciplinary courses that bring together experts in various fields and encourage collaboration among students from different backgrounds.

2. Challenge yourself by setting personal goals to brainstorm, foster and develop ideas.

Find time to think. Spend 20 minutes a day brainstorming new ideas, or spend one day a month or quarter working off site in a different environment than your everyday office. Set a goal to come up with five new ideas each week, and hold yourself accountable by sharing them with others. Keep track of your ideas and continue to improve on them each month. Invite colleagues to join you in your brainstorming – especially colleagues with varied backgrounds and different skill sets. Invite people with different professions and of different ages to coffee to discuss new ideas.

3. Seek out and build relationships with people who are different than you.

Build a network of thinkers and idea people by reaching out to people with varied backgrounds, education and professional experience and whose ideas you admire. After a meeting with a colleague, invite them to lunch to continue your conversation. As you meet people through friends, volunteer work or coaching your children’s sports teams, reach out and ask them about their careers and lives; look for points of collision with your own experience.  Ask them to join a project you are leading, invite their perspective on a challenging problem you are facing, or ask them to share their opinions on their areas of expertise. Feed and nurture these relationships by offering to help others with a project or task, or just to listen to a challenge they are facing.

4. Create a culture that respects effort and failure.

Offering a suggestion that challenges the status quo takes bravery. We need to support and reward risk takers. Lead by example – continue to surface new ideas and suggestions to solve existing problems. Share those ideas with your manager, co-workers and employees. Let them see you take risks and learn from mistakes. If you manage people, make innovation and risk taking part of your team’s expected results. Celebrate the failures as well as the victories, and reward the effort.
Unleashing creativity allows organizations to innovate, grow and compete in today’s 
marketplace.  Business people need to be creative problem solvers as well as strategic thinkers.

Read the original article on Villanova School of Business